Daze Cable Charger

Cable Charger

Kabel Charger Pengisian Batterai

Kabel pengisi daya Tipe 2-Tipe 2 DazeTechnology adalah semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengisi daya dengan nyaman di stasiun pengisian daya mana pun saat Anda tidak di rumah.

Semua kabel kami memiliki kapasitas arus hingga 32 A dan tersedia dalam 4 warna berbeda. Kedua konektor diresinasi secara internal untuk menghasilkan kekompakan maksimum, menghindari penutupan sekrup. Selubung kabel terbuat dari karet TPU untuk mengurangi berat dan curah. Setiap kabel dilengkapi dengan tas poliester untuk memudahkan transportasi.

Kualitas Produk

  • Dirancang dan diproduksi sepenuhnya di Italia.
Cable EV Charging

Features :

  1. Single-phase up to 7,4 kW and three-phase up to 22 kW
  2. Cable length from 5 to 8 meters
  3. Standard Type 2- Type 2 connectors are compatible with all major brands of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles
  4. Maximum compactness
  5. Supplied with bag for easy transportation
We believe that home charging should not be a problem, not even for those with limited energy availability at home. This is why we have developed Dynamic Power Management, which can be applied to DazeBox and DazeMax in single-phase and three-phase versions.


Ev charging stations work in both three and single-phase. A single-phase cable is compatible with both of them but, at the single-phase charging station you can charge using one of the three phases only. Therefore it will not be possible to charge at the available maximum speed.
If your vehicle can charge in three-phase too, we suggest you buy a three-phase cable in order to make the most of the speed of the charging point at any time.
Single/Three Phase


Generally, a 5 meters length cable allows you to charge at all EV-charging points.
Particularly critical situations may require a longer length.
Cable Charging


Cable Color

Does Type2-Type2 cable affect charging speed.?

  1. All DazeTechnology’s Type 2-Type 2 charging cables have a current capacity of up to 32 A. Almost all of EVs can not charge at more than 32A(AC), therefore our cables do not reduce charging speed.
  2. By choosing the single- phase version you can charge at up to the maximum single- phase speed, that is 7,4 kW.
  3. By choosing the three- phase version you can charge at up to the maximum three- phase speed, that is 22 kW.

Which car is compatible with a type-2 integrated cable.?

  1. A type-2 integrated connector is compatible with almost all of the major brands of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. In general we suggest you always check your EV connector before making your purchase.