Daze Totem

EV Charging

Pilihan Display Alat Pengisian Batterai Kendaraan Listrik

Display Totem Alpha, Beta dan Gamma adalah solusi bijaksana dan elegan yang cocok untuk lingkungan apa pun, eksternal dan internal. Dengan Daze Totem Anda dapat memasang DazeBox C Anda tanpa harus mengebor lubang di dinding, Bahkan dengan tidak adanya dinding pendukung.

Kami percaya bahwa pengisian daya di rumah seharusnya tidak menjadi masalah, bahkan bagi mereka yang memiliki keterbatasan energi di rumah. Inilah mengapa kami mengembangkan Manajemen Daya Dinamis, yang dapat diterapkan ke DazeBox dan DazeMax dalam versi fase tunggal dan tiga fase.

Kualitas Produk

  • Dirancang dan diproduksi sepenuhnya di Italia.
Display Totem ALPHA & BETA
We believe that home charging should not be a problem, not even for those with limited energy availability at home. This is why we have developed Dynamic Power Management, which can be applied to DazeBox and DazeMax in single-phase and three-phase versions.
By monitoring the load of the consumers at home, this system allows the car to always be charged at the highest possible speed without exceeding the contracted consumption limits. Once the power limit of our home has been set, the Power Management automatically adjusts the power delivered to charge the car, taking into account the variations in available energy in each situation.
With DazeBox and DazeMax, it will no longer be necessary to increase the home meter.
Display Totem GAMMA Triangular


1652 mm
340 mm
220 mm
Steel + double coating (anti-corrosion galvanizing + color)
16 Kg
Power cable routing


  1. DB-07-S130, Totem Alfa (single).
  2. DB-07-S140, Totem Beta (double).
  3. DB-07-S120, Totem Gamma (double triangular).