Sideslip DWAT-25 Download

Sideslip Tester DWAT-25

Pengujian Kincup Roda Kendaraan Bermotor

Sideslip Tester DWAT-25 alat uji kincup roda untuk memeriksa dengan rentang ±20 m/km kelurusan roda gandar antara camber/caster dan juga toe-in/toe-out pada saat kendaraan dikemudikan arah lurus. Pelat ukur mendeteksi adanya ketidak stabilan roda depan kiri-kanan untuk menjamin pengukuran yang benar dan akurat.

Kualitas Produk

  • Diproduksi oleh teknisi handal Giuliano Italia, disematkan pula dengan motor dan sensor kulitas Eropa.


  • Degan software dapat pula terintegrasikan pada brake tester RBT-121, RBT-141, RBT-200.


  • Dilengkapi dengan pengunci plat pada saat tidak digunakan.
PC Desktop

SIMPLEX control uni

  1. Including a PC with Windows operating system (licence included), net connectivity and serial ports RS232 which can be used as a PC STATION.
  2. Clear Layout of the tests results and of the diagnosis information relating to the braking system

Features :

  1. Frame and plates made of galvanized steel;
  2. Software “Roller Brake Tester” for cars and LCVs it can be setup for running DWAT 25 as an independent equipment or mounted into Brake Tester RBT 121, RBT 141, RBT 200, Supension Tester CSST 25, CSST 200 or Speed Tester STB 150;
  3. Suitable for connection to Suspension Tester and or Brake Tester control unit or to a generic PC;
  4. Software Procedure for ASR permanent system;

Specification :

  1. Max. test axle load: 2,5t
  2. Max. drive through axle weight: 4t
  3. Measuring range: +/- 20 m/Km
  4. Power Supply: 12 VDC
  5. Power consumption: < 100 W
  6. Dimensions: 850 x 650 x 45 mm
  7. Weight: 40 Kg