Sideslip DWAT-160D Download

Double Sideslip Tester DWAT-160D

Pengujian Kincup Roda Kendaraan Bermotor

Double Sideslip Tester DWAT-160D alat uji kincup roda untuk memeriksa dengan rentang ±20 m/km kelurusan roda gandar antara camber/caster dan juga toe-in/toe-out pada saat kendaraan dikemudikan arah lurus. Pelat ukur mendeteksi adanya ketidak stabilan roda depan kiri-kanan untuk menjamin pengukuran yang benar dan akurat.

Kualitas Produk

  • Diproduksi oleh teknisi handal Italia, disematkan pula dengan motor dan sensor kulitas Eropa.


  • Degan software dapat pula terintegrasikan pada brake tester RBT Truck 600 or RBT Truck 610.


  • Dilengkapi dengan pengunci plat pada saat tidak digunakan.


  • Produk ini telah di daftarkan di sistem e-Commerce atau e-Katalog.

SIMPLEX Touchscreen control uni

  1. Including a Touchscreen with Windows operating system (licence included), net connectivity and serial ports RS232 which can be used as a PC STATION.
  2. Clear Layout of the tests results and of the diagnosis information relating to the braking system

Features :

  1. Frame and plates made of galvanized steel;
  2. Software “RBT TRUCK” with licence of use for English Windows® operating system, tt can be preset for use of DWAT 160 either as independent or matched to Brake Tester RBT TRUCK 600 or RBT Truck 610;
  3. Suitable for connection to Suspension Tester and or Brake Tester control unit or to a generic PC;
  4. Software for connection sideslip tester;
  5. Touchscreen 21" ~ 26" monitor display

Specification :

  1. Double sideslip plates linkage.
  2. Sideslip Plate & Protection Frame integrated structure
  3. Maintenance-free body design
  4. Thesideslip board dimensions (1100 x 1000)
  5. withrelease board (1000 x 300 x 2)
  6. Applied wheel tread: 700 - 2900
  7. Max. test axle load: 16t
  8. Max. drive through axle weight: 18t
  9. Measuring range: +/- 20 m/Km
  10. Power Supply: 12 VDC
  11. Power consumption: < 100 W
  12. Dimension: 3200 x 1420 x 180mm